Wacky Playtime!
Fun Spades!
I see you made it here!! Im still trying to get this site up and ready to go. I currently host in Spades on the Microsoft Ineternet Gaming Zone. I am tryin to come up with some interesting new formats for spades. In the meantime I will be hosting varied formats.
Reflections/Reverse Mirrors/Strip/Suicide&Mirrors

Reflections-Bid the same as your pard. If you pard bids 3 you bid 3. If you pard bids nil, OOPS you nil also.

Reverse Mirrors-Bid the number of diamonds in your hand. If you have 3 diamonds your bid is 3. If you have none you must nil!

Strip-You may not play a spade until you are spade tight. No Trumping. You must STRIP your hand of all remaining suits before playing spades. If you take a trick because spades we lead you may not lead back out in spades if you have other suits remaining.

Suicide&Mirrors-One player nils the other bids the amount of spades in their hand. If the non-nilling person has no spades they must nil also!
Happy Playing!! Hope to see you soon!

PS Will post here with New Formats!
Winners and Runners-Up!
Winners Runners-Up
Favourite links

Microsoft Internet Gaming Zone
Great place to play and make new friends!!

Email me at:
[email protected]

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